The Great Warlock “Epitome” Tmog Contest Winners!

Posted: June 18, 2012 in Of WoW and Warlocks

Heya All & Happy Father’s Day,

The post for this week will be short and sweet since it’s Father’s Day, and because sadly I’ve been in a rush all day to leave on a business trip for most of the week. However, I would like to highlight the two contestants that took part in The Great Warlock “Epitome” Tmog Contest.

Entry #1 – Saga from Spellbound


Entry #2 – Ninevi from flaskhalfempty 

Simple, yet makes a statement…very warlocky!

All I can say is thanks for participating ladies! I really do appreciate your time and effort.

Both sets bring out the personalities of their warlocks. What I find interesting is that both selected pieces from the Nemesis Recolor set. Saga with the Ritual Helm and Ninevi with the Vermillion Robes. That set in particular is quite tough to farm due to RNG playing a big factor.

So without further delay…

The winner of The Great Warlock “Epitome” Tmog contest is…

SAGA AND NINEVI!  Yes, two winners out of two entries!

It was too tough of a choice ladies, I have to admit. Why have one winner when you can have two, right? Besides, I planned on buying mounts for the winner and second runner-up. So how can I not love the fact that it all worked out? Saga & Ninevi…please send me an email letting me know which mount you would like for your prize since and you get to choose from a Heart of the Aspects Mount, a Winged Guardian Mount, or a Celestial Steed Mount. This coming Thursday (when I return home) I’ll make sure to send off your prize codes. If you don’t mind, I would also love a good screen shot of your toons on their new mounts. If you plan to use the mount for a different character, then a picture of that one will be fine too :)

I plan to make this an annual event, so start thinking about ideas for next year. The same rules will apply!

Gratsie again, and thanks for participating!

My best….

  1. nerisanda says:

    Ahh, I go AWOL for one week and I miss all the fun! Congratulations to the winners :D

  2. Saga says:

    Hey, I won something!

    Truth be told I was really worried that the head wouldn’t drop in time. It was one of very few head pieces that even remotely worked with that chest. *lol* Now I have the difficult choice to make of which mount to get!

    Great contest! I will have to start saving up gear for next year ;)

    • Heya Saga,

      Yep you won! I’ll be sending off the prize codes in just a few. You both made it easier by choosing the Heart of the Aspects Mount as well. You two have a lot in common – a good fashion sense along with a nice choice in mount preference!

  3. Navimie says:

    Woot grats to both of you!

  4. They both look wonderfully warlockish, looking forward to seeing them mounted!

  5. Ninevi says:

    Oooh, cool! That’s pretty neat we both used Nemesis recolored set pieces! I guess it really is a very trademark warlock look, huh? ;)

    Thanks for the very fun contest, Amijade! I hope more people will take part next year, too!

  6. theerivs says:

    If it isn’t black mageweave set, I don’t like it.

  7. Silly Theerivs,

    You can wear Black Mageweave on your mage all the time if you like and mailbox dance all you want. You have my permission :P Really, I see that set on human mages all the time and I hear that’s acceptable in mage circles. Also, good post and a refreshing quality of honesty on the “Sexism” post you did. Sadly, your comments section doesn’t like me when I’m on my iPhone – Not sure if it’s your blog provider or FeedreaderRSS (what I have been using), but I plan to change that soon and try other Apps out. I’ll let ya know if the new one I choose works better.

  8. clumsygrrrl says:

    Congrats guys! :D

  9. […] Amijade over at Warlockery held the Great Warlock Epitome Transmogrification Contest, where contestants had to transmog what they felt was the quintessential outfit for the warlock […]

  10. Cymre says:

    Congrats to both winners :)

  11. Will Cahill says:

    I really like your blog. As a fellow warlock, I hope you don’t mind that I start linking it on any relevant forums! Keep up the good work, and awesome tmog’s girls!

    • Hey Will,

      Thanks again, and no I don’t mind at all. I’m not a specialist by any means or a hard number cruncher. However, I’m passionate about our class and always enjoy running on my lock! I’ll probably do another Tmog contest next year as well so start looking for Tmog ideas!

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